Our Diocese has a long standing tradition of demonstrating our love by not charging Pilgrims for the cost of their Cursillo weekend. The cost is covered by the generous donations of Cursillistas. You can show your love for the Cursillo ministry and future pilgrims by making a monetary donation using one of these methods. ​
Print and mail this form, to make a recurring donation from your bank account is the favored option.
Attend a Cursillo Closing or Ultreya and drop your donation in the offering plate.
Click here to make an online recurring or one-time donation using your credit card, bank account or G-Pay.
Mail a check with "Duvall Cursillo Fund" in the memo line to:
Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
PO Box 13330, Pensacola FL 32591-3330Use your bank's online bill pay system to make a recurring or one-time donation using the same information as mailing a personal check
If you are required to take a minimum distribution from an IRA account, talk to your Financial Advisor about making a tax free contribution using funds from your required withdrawal. You will not have to pay taxes on the amount you directly contribute to charitable organizations. Your Financial Advisor can contact Kim Weinstein at the Diocese office - 850-434-7337 or Tell or advisor the funds should go to the "Duvall Cursillo Fund". Learn more about making a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA